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Our Demands


Below are Antiracist HOCO's 6 core demands for implementing antiracist education in Howard County Schools.

1. Incorporate education about BIPOC and other disenfranchised groups, while elevating their voices.

2. Enforce inclusion and accessibility in and outside of the classroom.

3. Review and replace discriminatory materials and policies.

4. Increase access to student resources, both in-person and online.

5. Implement equitable hiring practices and require semesterly diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) training for all HCPSS employees.

6. Reform disciplinary practices for students and employees.

If you would like to view the full petition, please view the following pdf:










For demands 1–5, we go into specifics on what these changes would look like in 7 areas:

Guidance, Administration, & Clubs, English Language Arts (ELA), Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM), Social Studies, World Languages, Health, Physical Education, and Fine Arts.

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